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  • 9002553994 / 9474584323 / 7384488132
  • collegemodel810@gmail.com
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  • 9002553994 / 9474584323 / 7384488132
  • collegemodel810@gmail.com

Mission -- Vision


The society was formed with vision to promote education and research activities amongst the youth. The society desired to motivate the students under its umbrella to be enthusiastic towards self employment. Since we believe that education must not be confined to classroom lectures and syllabus oriented knowledge, the society will continuously strive to inculcate the students with more and more practical and professional approach towards life and educate them to be job creators rather than job seekers. Model B.P.Ed College, Jalpaiguri has dedicated team of faculty members who impress upon that students, practical insights along with conceptual basics. Now the college aspires to explore ways and means to make education need based and community oriented. Introduction of the 'Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)' course is par of the process of exploration of new vistas of Education.


  1. To make the college a model institution in all respects.
  2. To promote the qualities of good sportsmanship.
  3. To make good quality physical education professional personnel.
  4. To establish the role of physical education in the society.
  5. To develop the qualities of good leader.